
Tognazzi Casa Vacanze and Agenzia Immobiliare Tognazzi, are Partner of L'immobiliare.com (www.limmobiliare.com), a real estate network of the Grimaldi family, present in the Italian real estate market since 1965.
L' Immobiliare.com network consists of only professional operators that meet certain requirements, and it has as its main objective to ensure a high standard of quality of the services offered, such as: real estate valuations, sales promotion, finding the necessary documentation, technical advice and financial, full assistance throughout the trading practice.
The network is also distinguished in particular by developing:
- The unique circuit and Luxury Holidays ( www.luxury.limmobiliare.com ) dedicated to the sales of property Luxury and for holidays aimed at a specific target customers, both Italian and foreign.
- The Circuit RE4Com ( www.re4com.com ) division specializes in "Corporate" services for marketing and real estate development operations, the brokerage and consulting for equity and real estate investments.
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