Info utili

If you have something to offer us, or that we want to talk, we recommend, if possible, make an appointment in order to offer a better service. You can call us at +39 3397426070.


For visitors who want to give us the PROMOTION OF THEIR PROPERTY:
-must provide all documentation showing that the technological systems that comes with the property are under the law, giving us a copy of any related Compliance Certifications; 
-must provide an insurance policy on liability, covering the building, the interiors and the host (contact us to learn more); 
-must provide an updated plan of the property; 
-must provide digital photos of the interior and of good quality external, in high resolution.

Prenota o richiedi informazioni

Usa il form sottostante per prenotare il tuo soggiorno in una delle nostre strutture, oppure per richiedere informazioni.
Messaggio inviato correttamente. Grazie per averci contattato
Errore nell'inserimento. Controllare e riprovare.